It’s not what it looks like…

Full disclosure: I don’t want to show this, but I do it anyway. It may look like a kids drawing but it isn’t, it’s mine. Drawn with my eyes closed while listening to the Yoga Nidra (a form of guided meditation) again. This time I wasn’t lying down but sitting at my table with a sheet of paper and a box of colored pencils in front of me. I picked the color fuchsia without looking and started moving my hand insync with my breathing and the story Marenthe was telling. This drawing took 30 minutes to make, without looking at the paper while constantly moving my hand. With most visualizing exercises I don’t see ‘things’, objects, people or in this case I’m supposed to see a word or words, instead I see colors. So much harder to figure out what it means.

I sat with this drawing all day, looked at it, analyzed it, trying to find out what it means, what it has to say. We were supposed to find our sankalpa (Sankalpa is a short phrase or sentence, clearly expressed, using the same wording each time, to bring about a positive change in one’s life.) needless to say I didn’t find it. I am not surprised by that, I find it very hard to find inner peace and a safe and quiet place to practice this. Will continue to try this in the next couple of days.

#021 Monkeybrain

FaberCastell Polychromos Fuchsia on Arches hot pressed Watercolor paper
Colors used: fuchsia

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