Let them talk

I’ve chosen my word for 2021 it’s AUDACITY. Because ‘courage’ seemed to simple and ‘conquer’ scares me, I’ve chosen a word that captures them both. For 2020 I’d chosen LEAP and I did. The year before that it was TRUST and 2018 was PARTICIPATE. I know audacity has a negative meaning but it doesn’t always have to be a negative thing. Audacity can be motivated by innovation, integrity, and intent. The positive meaning is exactly what I’m looking for:

Audacity: the confidence to say or do what you want, despite problems, risks or the negative attitude of other people.

I’ve been struggling to find my voice and when I did I struggled to make myself heard and to continue on my path. I’m choosing me this year. I’m focussed. I’m confident and I’m worth it to be seen and taken seriously!

#018 This is what the inside of my head feels like at the moment. Lots of voices/noises, one louder than the other. I decided to let them talk, they will get quiet eventually 🙂

Abstract painting on Arches hot pressed Watercolor paper
Colors used: yellow, orange, luminous red, sepia, blue and gold

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