Finish what you started

Why do I find it so hard to finish things? To say TADA! and show my work to people? 

I have a few theories about that. The main reason is my fear of failure, the most annoying and exhausting ‘quality’ I have. Once things are done, I have no control over them. So I usually start hesitating, do a whole lot of nothing, so I’m not finish yet. When the designs or the art is finished I have to send it to clients or even worse to potential clients or customers (that’s the most scary step there is, in my world/head). It’s Fear-of-Failure-Focussed-Fiona at its best. This is not about the artwork shown here in this post. It is more a recurring event. But enough is enough. Fiona is no longer in the drivers seat Proud-and-Positive-Petra is! 

“There’s plenty of room in this vehicle for all of us, so make yourself at home, but understand this: Creativity and I are the only ones who will be making any decisions along the way. I recognize and respect that you are part of this family, and so I will never exclude you from our activities, but still—your suggestions will never be followed. You’re allowed to have a seat, and you’re allowed to have a voice, but you are not allowed to have a vote.”

Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Now about the art. Not that I love this artwork in particular (I don’t hate it either). It was meant as a trail project with the gelli plate (it’s been a while since the last time I printed something). In that regard I think it’s perfect. The printing itself could’ve been better. The color choices could’ve been better and the glueing could’ve been muchhhhh better (big oopsie) but that was not the purpose of this art. It wasn’t meant to be beautiful and flawless, it was meant to learn from.

#004 Vase with Flowers. I started this collage/print in the beginning of September and finished it today by finally glueing the four little pieces in the right flower. They’ve been stuck in place with a post-it note for at least two months…  

Mixed media collage with hand textured paper, found textured paper and gelli plate print
Colors used: black, white, blue, magenta, neon orange and blueish green

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